Elvis Presley Videos

Liza Minnelli is Interviewed About the Time She Met Elvis Presley

Liza Minnelli, the renowned singer and actress, has spoken in various interviews about the time she met Elvis Presley. According to Minnelli, the meeting took place in the late 1960s when she was performing at the International Hotel in Las Vegas, which was also one of Elvis’ regular performance venues.

Minnelli recalls that she was backstage after a show when she heard that Elvis was also in the building. She was excited at the prospect of meeting him and asked her father, the legendary film director Vincente Minnelli, to introduce her. Vincente, who had worked with Elvis on the 1960 film “G.I. Blues,” arranged for the meeting.

According to Minnelli, Elvis was “lovely” and “charming” when they met. She recalls that they had a brief conversation, during which Elvis complimented her on her performance and asked her how she was enjoying Las Vegas. She also remembers that Elvis had a “presence” about him, describing him as “so cool.”

Minnelli’s meeting with Elvis left a lasting impression on her, and she has spoken fondly of the experience in various interviews over the years. She has also expressed her admiration for Elvis as an artist, citing his unique style and charisma as some of the qualities that set him apart.

Overall, Liza Minnelli’s encounter with Elvis Presley is a testament to the enduring impact that he had on popular culture, and the lasting impression that he left on those who had the privilege of meeting him.

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