Elvis Presley Videos

Watch What Beatles talking about meeting Elvis (We love how they all remember it so differently)

The Beatles had a great admiration for Elvis Presley and often spoke about their excitement at the prospect of meeting him. In fact, they finally met him on August 27, 1965, at his home in Bel Air, California. Here are some quotes from the Beatles about their meeting with Elvis:

John Lennon: “It was like meeting the Pope, only better.”

Paul McCartney: “He was very generous. He showed us his record collection, which was fabulous, and his guitars. We jammed on ‘I Want To Hold Your Hand.'”

George Harrison: “I was quite nervous. We sat there and talked about records for a while, then we played a bit.”

Ringo Starr: “I was a bit in awe of him. We just talked about music and records, and he showed us around his house.”

Overall, the Beatles were thrilled to meet their idol and the meeting was a memorable moment in both the Beatles’ and Elvis’ careers.

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