Elvis Presley Videos

Elvis Sings “Burning Love” for the First Time on Stage (1972)

Elvis Presley first performed “Burning Love” on stage on April 14, 1972, during his concert series at the Sahara Hotel in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. This performance is significant because it marks the debut of one of Elvis’s most popular and beloved songs.

In this live performance, Elvis appears on stage in a glittering jumpsuit and launches into a high-energy rendition of “Burning Love.” The song is a rock and roll powerhouse, featuring driving guitars, pounding drums, and a catchy chorus that invites the audience to sing along.

Elvis’s performance is electrifying, and he delivers the lyrics with a sense of passion and urgency. He struts and dances across the stage, engaging with the audience and feeding off their energy.

The crowd responds with enthusiasm, and you can hear them cheering and clapping throughout the performance. It’s clear that “Burning Love” is an instant hit with Elvis’s fans, and it quickly becomes a staple of his live shows.

Overall, this first live performance of “Burning Love” is a thrilling and memorable moment in Elvis’s career, showcasing his talent as a performer and his ability to connect with his audience through his music.

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