Elvis Presley Videos

Elvis Interacts with His Fans During a Concert

Elvis Presley was known for his interaction with his fans during his concerts. He would often step off the stage and get close to his audience, shaking hands, giving kisses, and signing autographs. He loved his fans and always tried to make them feel special.

In this video clip, Elvis can be seen interacting with his fans during a concert. He leans over the stage and shakes hands with people in the front row, giving them quick kisses on the cheek.

He signs autographs and accepts gifts from his fans, all the while singing and dancing on stage.

At one point, a fan throws a scarf up to Elvis, and he puts it around his neck, giving the fan a big smile and a thumbs up. He continues to perform and interact with his fans, making the concert an unforgettable experience for everyone in attendance.

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