Elvis Presley Videos

From Frankie & Johnny: Elvis Sings “Shout It Out” (1966)

“Shout It Out” is a song from the 1966 musical comedy film “Frankie and Johnny” starring Elvis Presley and Donna Douglas. The film was based on a popular American ballad that tells the story of a woman who murders her lover after she discovers he has been unfaithful.

In the movie, Elvis plays a riverboat gambler named Johnny who falls in love with a singing waitress named Frankie, played by Donna Douglas. “Shout It Out” is one of the many songs that Elvis performs in the movie, and it features his signature rock and roll sound.

The song was written by Fred Wise and Ben Weisman, who were both frequent collaborators with Elvis. The lyrics encourage listeners to “shout it out” and express their feelings freely, making it a perfect fit for Elvis’ energetic performance style.

While “Shout It Out” is not one of Elvis’ most well-known songs, it is still a beloved track among his fans and a testament to his enduring influence on rock and roll music.

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