Elvis Presley Videos

Memories of Elvis from His Longtime Cook

Mary Jenkins, also known as “Mama,” was Elvis Presley’s personal cook for over a decade, and she has many fond memories of her time with the legendary singer.

Jenkins first met Elvis in 1962, when she was working as a cook at a church in Memphis. Elvis attended a church event and was impressed with her cooking, and he asked her to come work for him at Graceland.

Over the years, Jenkins cooked countless meals for Elvis and his entourage, and she became a beloved member of the Presley household. She remembers Elvis as a kind and generous person who loved to make people happy.

One of Jenkins’ favorite memories of Elvis is from the Christmas of 1975, when he surprised her with a new Cadillac as a gift. She was completely shocked and overwhelmed by his generosity.

Jenkins also remembers Elvis as a person who cared deeply about his fans and his community. He would often invite fans into his home to meet him and take pictures, and he was always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need.

Despite his fame and success, Jenkins says that Elvis remained humble and down-to-earth throughout his life. She remembers him as a person who valued hard work and loyalty, and who always treated everyone with kindness and respect.

Overall, Mary Jenkins’ memories of Elvis provide a glimpse into the personal side of the music legend. Her stories offer a testament to Elvis’ generous spirit and his enduring impact on those who knew him.

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